As a holistic and spiritual organisation, we believe that the body is the temporary container for the soul. We fight to protect both body and soul, as these two key features of every human house the makings of a new being.

The soul has its own "brain" or "hard drive" that accumulates only information of the Next Level. The soul also becomes part of the new physical body of the new creature, though it is seldom seen by human eyes. Therefore, when a soul is a part of a new deposit, it has very little information and is as a very small Next Level "fetus." As it develops or grows in size, it necessitates the abortion of the human mind, which is in a container beside it.

In current times, the bodies and minds of our youth is being corrupted by cross-sex ideology, hormones are being injected into our children, severing the soul-body connection. Metamorphosis to the Next Level cannot be achieved without the crucial connection between body and soul being nurtured. To explain this important connection, it may be important to think of a glass vase that has two balloons in it, one balloon is the human mind, the other is the Next Level mind. When the Next Level makes a "soul deposit," it is like placing the second balloon in the glass vase. So, when metamorphosis begins, the human mind (balloon) is all but filling the container, and the Next Level mind or soul is all but empty. As the Next Level mind increases - and the soul begins to grow larger - the human-mind container or balloon decreases until, if the Next Level mind successfully makes it to "term," the human deflated balloon is discarded and the Next Level balloon (with Next Level mind) is all that fills the container, or glass vase. That soul with its Next Level mind has by then become a physical body in a new species (the Level Above Human), needing only a new physical outer shell, which it receives as a "quartermaster issue" upon physically entering the Next Level.

Injections of hormones and ideology prevent the growth of the Next Level, preventing our true purpose to ascend and separate from the human physical container, preventing the next generation from entering the next world.

With your support, we will prevent this meddling with our children’s minds so we can all rendezvous in the clouds and journey to the Kingdom of the Literal Heavens.

Ready to embark on your journey to ascension?